Results for 'Philip Marcel Karré'

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  1.  13
    (1 other version)Als burgers het heft in eigen handen nemen: van representatieve naar doe-het-zelf democratie.Mark van Twist, Martijn van der Steen & Philip Marcel Karré - 2009 - Res Publica 51 (4):521-535.
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  2. Als burgers het heft in eigen handen nemen: van representatieve naar doe-het-zelf democratie1.Mark van Twist, Martijn van der Steen en Philip & Marcel Karré - forthcoming - Res Publica.
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    Inscriptions de Delos, nos. 1497-2879: decrets, dedicaces, listes, catalogues, textes divers, posterieurs a 166 av. J-C. [REVIEW]Philip H. Davis, Pierre Roussel & Marcel Launey - 1939 - American Journal of Philology 60 (4):479.
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    Marcel Proust as Successor and Precursor to Pierre Bourdieu: A Fragment.Philip Smith - 2004 - Thesis Eleven 79 (1):105-111.
    Commentators are in general agreement that Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of habitus and practice is too deterministic, but they have failed to provide a workable template for revisions. Here the French novelist Marcel Proust is proposed as a phenomenological corrective. There are strong family resemblances between his approach to social life and that of Bourdieu. In Remembrance of Things Past, however, Proust offers an understanding of action that is more sensitive to contingency, self-reflexivity, change, desire and the layering of the (...)
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    Marcel.Philip Stratton-Lake - 1998 - In Simon Critchley & William Ralph Schroeder (eds.), A Companion to Continental Philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 340–348.
    Marcel was probably the first modern, French existentialist. Nevertheless, outside of France he is the least well known. His account of human existence is distinctive in that it gives a central place to hope. His account of hope draws on many other notions in his philosophy, such as participation, the “I‐thou” relation, availability, and having, and is hence largely unintelligible unless these concepts are understood. So although we shall come to focus on his account of hope it will be (...)
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    The individuality of species: Some reflections on the debate.Marcel Quarfood - 1999 - Synthese 120 (1):89-94.
    The thesis that species are individuals, and not classes as the traditional view had it, has been influential in the last 25 years. In this paper David Hull's arguments for the thesis are surveyed, as well as some counterarguments presented by Philip Kitcher. It is claimed that though species can be conceptualized as individuals, we are not compelled to view them in that way. The importance of the issue seems to have been somewhat exaggerated. However, it might happen that (...)
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    L'expérience de la perte autour du "moment 1800".Philip Knee - 2014 - Oxford, UK: Voltaire Foundation.
    Peut-on se contenter d'un triomphalisme des Lumières pour penser nos liens sociaux aujourd'hui? Ne faut-il pas réfléchir sur un art d'hériter qui réglerait la passion démocratique du neuf? La culture de la perte naît autour du 'moment 1800' - la formule, de Marcel Gauchet, désigne l'époque où une nouvelle appréhension de l'historicité émerge. Souvent négligée mais néanmoins devenue une composante permanente de notre conscience historique, l'expérience de la perte contribue à ce que la démocratie se garde du présentisme en (...)
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    99 Variations on a Proof.Philip Ording - 2018 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    An exploration of mathematical style through 99 different proofs of the same theorem This book offers a multifaceted perspective on mathematics by demonstrating 99 different proofs of the same theorem. Each chapter solves an otherwise unremarkable equation in distinct historical, formal, and imaginative styles that range from Medieval, Topological, and Doggerel to Chromatic, Electrostatic, and Psychedelic. With a rare blend of humor and scholarly aplomb, Philip Ording weaves these variations into an accessible and wide-ranging narrative on the nature and (...)
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    Foundations of foreign language teaching: nineteenth-century innovators.Anthony Philip Reid Howatt & Richard C. Smith (eds.) - 1820 - New York: Routledge.
    Contents include Language as a Means of Mental Culture and International Communication (1853; 2 vols) by Claude Marcel; The Mastery of Languages, or the Art of Speaking Foreign Tongues Idiomatically (1864) by Thomas Prendergast; Introduction to the Teaching of Living Languages without Grammar or Dictionary (1874) by Lambert Sauveur; and The Art of Teaching and Studying Languages (1880; English translation 1892) by Francois Goiun.
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    Negative Trouble and Gender Dialectics - Bridging the Gap between Butler and Adorno.Philip Højme - 2023 - Dissertation, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology: The Polish Academy of Sciences
    The main aim of this dissertation is to examine whether or not Judith Butler’s feminist philosophy (Queer theory) can be interpreted as what Theodor W. Adorno called a dialectical or immanent critique of dialectics. The rationale behind this examination can be found in two essays published by Carrie Hull (1997) and Marcel Stoetzler (2005). In these essays, both authors suggest that Butler’s argument (Gender Trouble 1999[1990]) would benefit significantly from being juxtaposed with Adorno’s reconceptualisation of dialectics as ‘negative dialectics’ (...)
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    Modern French Criticism: From Proust and Valéry to Structuralism.John K. Simon, Ralph Freedman, John Porter Houston, Angelo Philip Bertocci & René Wellek - 1972 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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    Political representation in France *1: Philip E. Converse and Roy Pierce , xiii + 996, $49.50. [REVIEW]Eugen Weber - 1987 - History of European Ideas 8 (6):715-718.
    Erratum In the Review Historical Individualism by Sascha Talmor, which appeared in Vol. 7 No. 6, 1986, p. 661, line 2, Maurice Mauss should read Marcel Mauss. The editors and publishers apologise for this error.
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  13. Models in Economics.Marcel Boumans - 2004 - In John Bryan Davis & Alain Marciano (eds.), The Elgar companion to economics and philosophy. Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar. pp. 260--282.
  14.  46
    The Measure of Madness: Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Neuroscience, and Delusional Thought.Philip Gerrans - 2014 - MIT Press.
    Drawing on the latest work in cognitive neuroscience, a philosopher proposes that delusions are narrative models that accommodate anomalous experiences.
  15. Levels of consciousness of the self in time.Philip David Zelazo & Jessica A. Sommerville - 2001 - In Chris Moore & Karen Lemmon (eds.), The Self in Time: Developmental Perspectives. Erlbaum. pp. 229-252.
  16. Some comments on Dewey's theory of valuation, an abstract.Philip G. Smith - 1960 - Philosophy of Education:69.
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    Critique and Conviction: Conversations with Francois Azouvi and Marc de Launay.Paul Ricoeur - 1998 - Polity.
    _Criticism and Conviction_ offers a rare opportunity to share personally in the intellectual life and journey of the eminent philosopher Paul Ricoeur. Internationally known for his influential works in hermeneutics, theology, psychoanalysis, and aesthetics, until now, Ricoeur has been conspicuously silent on the subject of himself. In this book--a conversation about his life and work with François Azouvi and Marc de Launay--Ricoeur reflects on a variety of philosophical, social, religious, and cultural topics, from the paradoxes of political power to the (...)
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    Lettre d'Hadrien au conseil et au peuple d'Astypalaea.Marcel Dubois - 1883 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 7 (1):405-407.
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  19. Vers un nouveau Moyen Âge?Marcel Voisin - 2002 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 101:181-188.
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    The psychologist's fallacy.Philip David Zelazo & Douglas Frye - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):89-90.
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    (1 other version)The poverty of philosophy: readings in non and other philosophies or arts of immanence.Philip Beitchman (ed.) - 2023 - Lanham: Hamilton Books, an imprint of Rowman & Littlefield.
    The Poverty of Philosophy: Readings in Non and Other Philosophies and Arts of Imminence includes an 8,000 word overture, "Poverty of Philosophy" introducing non-philosophy and its progenitor, François Laruelle.
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    Eyes on the Stars: Images of Women Scientists in Popular Magazines.Marcel C. LaFollette - 1988 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 13 (3-4):262-275.
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  23. Hannah Arendt on thinking, personhood and meaning.Philip Walsh - 2017 - In Peter Baehr & Philip Walsh (eds.), The Anthem companion to Hannah Arendt. New York, NY: Anthem Press.
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    Wired for Despair The Neurochemistry of Emotion and the Phenomenology of Depression.Philip Gerrans & Klaus Scherer - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (7-8):7-8.
    Although depression is characterized as a mood disorder it turns out that, like moods in general, it cannot be explained independently of a theory of emotion. In this paper I outline one promising theory of emotion and show how it deals with the phenomenon of depressive mood. An important aspect of MAT is the role it assigns to peripheral information processing systems in setting up emotional responses. The operations of these systems are automatic and opaque to consciousness, but they represent (...)
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    The Metaphysics of Trust: Credit and Faith III.Philip Goodchild - 2021 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book develops a metaphysics which is missing when trust is ordered around economic theories and institutions.
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  26. The role of reconstruction in the elucidation of quantum theory.Philip Goya - 2023 - In Philipp Berghofer & Harald A. Wiltsche (eds.), Phenomenology and Qbism: New Approaches to Quantum Mechanics. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  27. Axiomatizing the next-interior fragment of dynamic topological logic.Philip Kremer, Grigori Mints & V. Rybakov - 1997 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3:376-377.
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    A theory of communication.Hobsbaum Philip - 1969 - British Journal of Aesthetics 9 (2):171-185.
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  29. Learning to look : on mysticism and mysticisms.Philip Wilson - 2023 - In Jack Manzi (ed.), Between Wittgenstein and Weil Comparisons in Philosophy, Religion, and Ethics. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Valid thinking.Philip Ellis Wheelwright - 1962 - New York,: Odyssey Press.
  31.  50
    Résistances féminines à l’autorité ecclésiastique, xviie-xviiie siècles.Marcel Bernos - 2002 - Clio 15:103-145.
    Les femmes, à l’époque moderne, admettent, en règle générale, la soumission requise par le clergé masculin. Mais il en est qui résistent. Ce sont des chrétiennes aux fortes personnalités – Thérèse d’Avila, au xvie siècle, ou Gabrielle Suchon, au xviie siècle – mais aussi des communautés religieuses féminines, comme celle de Port-Royal, au xviie siècle et d’autres, moins connues. Ces manifestations d’indépendance, plutôt que de rébellion ouverte, sont particulièrement visibles lorsque ces femmes se sentent investies d’une mission divine, c’est le (...)
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    Note sur Rabelais et les nombres.Marcel Françon - 1950 - Isis 41 (3/4):298-300.
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    How Superstition Won and Science Lost: Popularizing Science and Health in the United StatesJohn C. Burnham.Marcel Lafollette - 1989 - Isis 80 (3):501-502.
  34. The philosophy of existence.Gabriel Marcel & Manya Harari - 1948 - London,: Harvill Press.
  35. The Sociological School of Dimitrie Gusti.Philip E. Mosely - 1936
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  36. How can we know art? : The purple haze of epistemology in art education.Philip Pearson - 2001 - In Paul Duncum & Ted Bracey (eds.), On knowing: art and visual culture. Christchurch, N.Z.: Canterbury University Press.
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  37. Foundations of Theology: Papers from the International Lonergan Congress 1970.Philip McShane - 1971
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    Generalization in the initial stages of learning nonsense syllables: I. Integral responses.B. R. Philip & H. E. Peixotto - 1943 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 33 (1):50.
  39. Heidegger and Modernity.Franklin Philip (ed.) - 1991 - University of Chicago Press.
    "_Heidegger and Modernity_ is an intervention in the Heidegger debate in France which many may see as decisive. Its central claim is that the responses of left Heideggerians to continuing disclosures regarding Heidegger's Nazi affiliations fail to come to terms with central ambiguities in his philosophical responses, both early and late, to modernity and technology.... Incisive and hard hitting, Luc Ferry and Alain Renault have condensed in a short and tightly organized book both a judicious and well-informed account of the (...)
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    Studies in high speed continuous work: IV. Motivation and hedonic tone.B. R. Philip - 1940 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 26 (2):226.
    The present account, based on introspective comments, deals with motivation and hedonic tone as subjective factors which affect continuous work at high speeds. Actual introspective reports are given. The earlier papers in the series described the experimental procedure and presented objective data.
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  41. Public Argument and Social Responsibility: The Moral Dimensions of Citizenship in Kant's Ethical Commonwealth.Philip J. Rossi - 1998 - In Jane Kneller & Sidney Axinn (eds.), Autonomy and Community: Readings in Contemporary Kantian Social Philosophy. State University of New York Press. pp. 63--86.
  42. Comunicación e identidad en América Latina.Philip Schlesinger & Nancy Morris - 1997 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 49:56.
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    Metaphor and Paraphrase.Philip Turetzky - 1988 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 21 (3):205 - 219.
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    Skepticism, modernity, and critical theory.Philip Walsh - 2005 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book examines the issue of philosophical skepticism in the light of its relevance for the critique of modernity associated with the Frankfurt School. It situates the problem of skepticism in the context of the history of philosophy and explores its significance for the modern crisis of reason, as manifested in post-Kantian philosophy, which presaged the critical turn toward social theory.
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    Explorations in Christian Theology and Ethics: Essays in Conversation with Paul L. Lehmann.Philip Gordon Ziegler & Michelle J. Bartel (eds.) - 2009 - Ashgate.
    Engaging variously with the legacy of Paul L. Lehmann, these essays argue for a reorientation in Christian theology that better honours the formative power of ...
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    Mindfulness Plus Reflection Training: Effects on Executive Function in Early Childhood.Philip David Zelazo, Jessica L. Forston, Ann S. Masten & Stephanie M. Carlson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  47. Norbert Elias and Hannah Arendt on philosophy, sociology and science.Philip Walsh - 2013 - In François Dépelteau & Tatiana Savoia Landini (eds.), Norbert Elias and social theory. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Editorial: Novel Approaches for Studying Creativity in Problem-Solving and Artistic Performance.Philip A. Fine, Amory H. Danek, Kathryn J. Friedlander, Ian Hocking & William Forde Thompson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Comment.Philip Fisher - 2009 - In Judith JarvisHG Thomson (ed.), Goodness and Advice. Princeton University Press. pp. 85-96.
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    The incompleteness of s4 ⊕ s4 for the product space R × R.Philip Kremer - unknown
    Shehtman introduced bimodal logics of the products of Kripke frames, thereby introducing frame products of unimodal logics. Van Benthem, Bezhanishvili, ten Cate and Sarenac generalize this idea to the bimodal logics of the products of topological spaces, thereby introducing topological products of unimodal logics. In particular, they show that the topological product of S4 and S4 is S4 ⊕ S4, i.e., the fusion of S4 and S4: this logic is strictly weaker than the frame product S4 × S4. Indeed, van (...)
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